Reincarnation and Karma,
Ripples into the Universe...

We all participate in reincarnation and karma, even if we are not conscious of the process...Reincarnation involves your past lives and being reborn. Karma involves the choices you have made, are making, and will make...

In addition to this page, you can find more information on reincarnation and karma under Past Life Readings in the section on Psychic Readings.


reincarnation and karma
You are spirit in body. You are here by choice. Human bodies are in high demand ...and you got one! Your soul has chosen to incarnate into human form to learn, create, heal and play in physical reality.

The process of incarnating into a body, living, dying and then returning to repeat this cycle is called reincarnation. If you are reading this, your soul has probably come into human form many times before.

Likely you have had past lives where you experienced being male and female, rich and poor, big and small, in bodies of different colors, gay and straight. As a soul in journey, with all these past lives, you have a lot of experience to draw on...

In each lifetime, you made millions of choices. Each of these choices sent ripples of vibration into the Universe. Some of the choices you made sent ripples of higher vibrations out into the universe. Some of the choices you made sent ripples of lower vibrations out into the universe. All vibrations you send out into the universe eventually cycle back to you in the form of karma.

Some of your karma will be heavier energy. When you find the courage to face this heavier energy and work through it, you will learn valuable spiritual lessons. Once you have sincerely learned a spiritual lesson, you will be able to release that lower karmic vibration and move on. Some of your karma will also be lighter energy. This is wonderful stuff that sooner or later manifests as grace and flow in your life...

Your soul has incarnated into your body in this particular lifetime to learn, create and heal something. Discover this for yourself...but it probably has something to do with evolving toward your Higher Self. When you evolve and grow, you lead others by example...This process of transforming yourself--leads to transforming others and the world--in turn creates lighter karma...

You continue this process of reincarnation until--as spirit, you feel ready to move on...

If you would like to gain personal insight into your own reincarnation and karma... Book a Past Life Reading by Phone.
Find out more about Past Life Readings and Natal Charts in other pages which compliment Reincarnation and Karma.

Or visit other pages on this website...